Websites are an important service tool for financial institutions- providing details specific to products and services, current promotions for interest rates and lending programs, and online access for customers to manage their accounts. Maintaining a robust website is a competitive marketing advantage; however, there are industry regulations and best practices that can present challenges with online advertisements.
To ensure banking websites meet advertising and disclosure requirements, BTG provides independent Website Regulatory Compliance Assessments that can be performed annually, semi-annually, or quarterly. During the assessment, BTG will review your financial institution’s website to ensure advertisements and product information complies with disclosure and/or disclaimer requirements set forth in applicable regulations including Truth in Savings Act, Truth in Lending Act, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and many more.
For more information on the Website Regulatory Compliance Assessments, please contact Elisabeth Esposito, VP of Professional Services at BTG: or (800) 355-4550.